Surface area

The mainland covers an area of 56 594 km2 and coastal waters cover a surface area of 31 479 km2.


Croatia has 4 290 612 inhabitants.


The majority of the population are Croats, with the largest minorities being Serbs, Bosnians, Slovenes, Hungarians, Czechs, Italians and Albanians.

System of government

Croatia is a multi-party parliamentary republic.


With 792 875 inhabitants, Zagreb is the economic, transport, cultural and academic centre of the country.

Length of the coastline

6 278 km, of which 4 398 km is made up of island coastlines, solitary rocks and reefs.

Number of islands, islets, solitary rocks and reefs

1 244. The largest islands are Krk and Cres. There are 50 inhabited islands.

Highest peak

Dinara, 1 831 m above sea level.


There are three climate zones in Croatia: in the country’s continental interior the prevailing climate zone is moderately continental , while the mountain climate prevails at 1200m above the sea level. The areas along the Adriatic coast have a pleasantly mild Mediterranean climate with a large number of sunny days, summers are hot and dry and winters are mild and wet.

The average temperatures in the continental interior are: January -2 oC to 0 oC, with somewhat lower temperatures in the mountains; July temperatures reach 20 oC-22˚C, and around 13˚C in the highlands. The average temperatures in the Littoral (Adriatic Coast) are: January 5˚C – 9 oC and July 23°C – 26°C. Winter sea temperature is about 12 oC and it reaches approximately 25 oC in the summer.

Information: (


The official currency in Croatia is the kuna (1 kuna = 100 lipa). Foreign currency can be exchanged in banks, exchange offices, post offices and in the majority of tourist information offices, hotels and campsites.

Credit cards (Eurocard / Mastercard, Visa, American Express and Diners) are accepted in almost all hotels, marinas, restaurants, shops and cash machines.

Power supply: 220 V, frequency: 50 Hz

Tap water is safe to drink in all of Croatia.

This information comes from the Croatian national tourist board: